Monday 18 October 2010

1st Draft Music Video

Please ensure that you post a copy of your intital video i.e. uploaded and cut into order. You can then comment on the more technical editing you are going to engage in.

Thursday 14 October 2010

Another Example

Example of a Digipak

This is an interesting CD package because not all of the images used are actually of the artist. Feist has a 'vintage' image and her music has plenty of 70s influence (she even covers a Bee Gees track on her first album). The polaroid images used really feed into this representation of her and appeals to her audience, 20 - 30 somethings. The objects in the photographs say something about her background and her character. Also the sepia tone really gives it a vintage feel. Perhaps you can take some photographs of objects or places that represent your artists personality - think about how this relates to the audience.

Digipak & Magazine Adverts

As you are starting to film your music video footage, now would be a good time to start thinking about your digipak and magazine adverts.

You need to collect a range of examples to analyse. We have a scanner so you can upload images.

Firstly you need to analyse the images on the digipak/CD cover so use these prompts as a guide:

The name of the artist is…
This connotes…
The font/lettering is best described as…This connotes….
The physical appearance of the star is….(mention pose, camera angle, clothing, facial expressions, etc)This connotes…
The dominant image within the front cover is…This suggests…
The title of the album is…This signifies…
Dominant colours include…These connote…
The CD is produced by…This appeals to the audience because…
The record label is…This connotes…
The artist fits into the genre of…This is signified by…Attitudes and values associated with this genre include…
The target audience for this CD cover is…The cover is appealing to this audience because…

Evaluating Your Planning

By now you will have completed most of your planning tasks including your pitch, storyboard and schedule. It's really important at this point that you evaluate your music video ideas. Evalute your video against Goodwin's theory:

*A relationship between the lyrics and visuals (illustrating, amplifying or contradicting the lyrics) *A relationship between music and visuals
*Particular genres may have their own video style and iconography
*A demand from the record company for lots of close-ups of the main artist
*Artist develops their own star iconography in and out of their videos
*Reference to voyeurism (screen within screen, binoculars, cameras…)
*Intertextual references

Your response should be a lengthy paragraph and you can work as a group to complete it. Ensure that each member posts it to their own individual blog!