Thursday 14 October 2010

Evaluating Your Planning

By now you will have completed most of your planning tasks including your pitch, storyboard and schedule. It's really important at this point that you evaluate your music video ideas. Evalute your video against Goodwin's theory:

*A relationship between the lyrics and visuals (illustrating, amplifying or contradicting the lyrics) *A relationship between music and visuals
*Particular genres may have their own video style and iconography
*A demand from the record company for lots of close-ups of the main artist
*Artist develops their own star iconography in and out of their videos
*Reference to voyeurism (screen within screen, binoculars, cameras…)
*Intertextual references

Your response should be a lengthy paragraph and you can work as a group to complete it. Ensure that each member posts it to their own individual blog!

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