Thursday 13 January 2011

Genre of Hip Hop/RnB/Rap Conventions

  • Male artists tend to perform to camera, interacting with it as though singing to the audience
  • Female artists tend to combine performance to camera with performing to an ethereal 'other'

  • Displays of wealth are featured: fast cars, expensive clothes, jewellery, homes, lifestyles

  • Sexualised dancing is perfomed by women

  • Colours are often bright, in costume, lighting and sets

  • Daylight, rather than night, is frequently used. Where night is used, it is contrasted with bright interior shots

  • There are frequent close-ups of artists performing

  • Females are objectified: use of fragmentation, slow motion etc

  • Costumes worn by women are clingy, revealing and sexualised

  • Exaggerated dance moves are performed by women to accentuate the female form and their sexuality, and by men to accentuate their virility and masculinity

  • Narrative themes of infidelity, are often played out in a narrative performance by the artist

  • Setting is frequently urban, or suburban, and often identifiably set in and around New york or LA

  • Editing is often paced to the beat of the music track

  • Low-angled shots emphasise the dominance of male artists

  • There is use of reflection/silhouette/shadow

  • Studio sets are minimalist, using monochrome colour schemes

  • Sets can be lavish, intended to represent a luxurious home

  • Strong backlighting is used to radiate around the artist

  • Cars are often used as sets for performance

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