Thursday 13 January 2011

Genre of Rock Conventions

  • Males are usually the subjects, women the objects
  • The use of dark colours

  • The use of night rather than daylight

  • On-stage performances in from of screaming crowds

  • Backstage footage

  • Gestures of male bonding - 'high-fiving', back slapping...

  • The playing of guitars
  • Costumes are dark coloured, often baggy, casual clothing

  • Close ups of soulful singing into a microphone or to camera
  • The justaposition of binaries of light vs dark

  • The use of tracking/crabbing/panning shots, lots of movement

  • Fast paced editing

  • Montage shots of industrial/urban landscapes

  • Close-up shots of vocalist during emotional moments

  • Close-up shots of instrumentalists' hands playing instruments

  • Use of heavy shadow

  • Heavy use of visual sybolism

  • Wide shot of the band together, signifying unity, a tightly knit-group

  • The use of slow-motion

  • The use of studio backlighting

  • Cross-cutting to a narrative performed by characters other than members of the band

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